
Benefits of Dental Implants

Restoring Smiles as a Dental Implant Nurse Benefits of Dental Implants Implant dentistry is now a widely available treatment, we take a look at some of the benefits both physically and mentally. Once qualified as a dental nurse there are many different directions your career could take you in. One of our most popular

By |2024-10-04T15:48:07+01:00October 4th, 2024|Categories: Dental Nurse Training, Featured, Further Learning|0 Comments

Smiling is Good for you!

The Benefits of Sunshine for Your Teeth We all know that sunshine is essential for our overall health and wellbeing. When you think of sunshine, you probably think of warm weather, picnics, and beaches. But did you know that sunshine can actually have a positive effect on your teeth? Exposure to sunlight can

By |2024-09-20T13:27:11+01:00September 17th, 2024|Categories: Dental Health & Wellbeing, Dental Nurse Training, Featured|0 Comments

How dental nurses can help anxious patients

Fighting dental phobias - how dental nurses can help It's no secret that dental anxiety is a prevalent issue faced by many individuals. In fact, it's more common than you might think. Dentophobia, a term coined to describe the intense fear of visiting the dentist, is incredibly common. To put things into perspective,

By |2024-08-08T16:00:32+01:00July 27th, 2024|Categories: Dental Nurse Support, Dental Nurse Training, Featured|0 Comments

How to keep and retain your GDC number

How Dental Nurses get their GDC Numbers GDC Role The purpose of the General Dental Council (GDC) is to protect the public by ensuring all members of the dental team are regulated. This is achieved by: Registering qualified professionals; Setting standards of dental practice and conduct; Assuring the quality of dental education; Ensuring

By |2024-08-02T11:36:04+01:00April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Dental Nurse Training, Featured|0 Comments

A Christmas Message

A Festive Message from SmileWisdom CEO "During this festive season, the team wanted to take a moment to express our thanks for your dedication and hard work. Your commitment to excellent dental care and ensuring the well-being of your patients is truly fantastic. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we

By |2024-08-02T11:36:05+01:00December 20th, 2023|Categories: Dental Nurse Support, Dental Nurse Training, Featured|0 Comments

Mouth Cancer Awareness Month

How Dental Nurses spread awareness of Mouth Cancer Mouth Cancer Awareness Month is an important annual event that aims to raise awareness about the risks, prevention, and early detection of mouth cancer. This campaign aims to educate individuals about the signs and symptoms of this disease, bring attention to its increasing prevalence, and

By |2024-08-02T11:36:05+01:00November 3rd, 2023|Categories: Dental Nurse Support, Dental Nurse Training, Featured|0 Comments

Celebrating National Orthodontics Health Month

Train as an Orthodontic Nurse October is National Orthodontics Health Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of orthodontic care and its impact on overall dental health. As dental professionals, we are responsible for staying updated on the latest advancements in orthodontics and providing the best care for our patients. One

By |2024-08-02T11:36:05+01:00October 12th, 2023|Categories: Dental Nurse Support, Dental Nurse Training, Featured|0 Comments

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day Mental health is a topic that is often overlooked and stigmatized in our society. However, with the increasing awareness and importance placed on mental well-being, it is crucial to care for our mental health, especially during stressful times such as studying and job hunting. As a dental nurse, you

By |2024-08-02T11:36:05+01:00October 10th, 2023|Categories: Dental Nurse Support, Dental Nurse Training, Featured|0 Comments

Make smiles as a dental nurse

World Smile Day! Did you know today is World Smile Day! This day, celebrated on the first Friday of October, is all about spreading joy and happiness through a simple smile. And what better way to celebrate than by becoming a dental nurse? Not only will you be helping people achieve healthy and

By |2024-08-02T11:36:05+01:00October 6th, 2023|Categories: Dental Nurse Support, Dental Nurse Training, Featured|0 Comments