CPD courses for dental professionals
Dental Nurses and other dental professionals need to keep up with their CPD requirements. SmileWisdom has a number of CPD courses available to help you with your professional development. CPD sessions are available for group bookings in person or on Zoom. A suitable date to be arranged as required by the dental practice and SmileWisdom CPD tutor.
Dental CPD Courses
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can support dentists and dental care professionals in maintaining and updating their skills and knowledge. Regularly completing dental CPD courses may also contribute to the delivery of better quality dental care.
Dentists must carry out at least 250 hours of CPD every five years. At least 75 of these hours need to be ‘verifiable’ CPD
Dental professionals including Dental Nurses must carry out at least 150 hours of CPD every five years. At least 50 of these hours need to be ‘verifiable’ CPD
Verifiable CPD is an activity for which there is documentary evidence that one has undertaken the CPD and that the dental CPD course has:
- Concise educational aims and objectives
- Clear anticipated outcomes
- Quality controls
SmileWisdom dental CPD courses are all ‘verifiable’ and meet the highest educational standards. They are delivered by experienced and professional UK-qualified tutors.

In-Practice Training
We specialise in dental education. We also know the dental profession inside out; we know how challenging finding the extra time for staff training might be. This is why in addition to running courses at the BDA and online, we can also deliver dental CPD courses to your team directly at your practice. These courses are tailor-made for you and will be adapted depending on the experience levels and the number of participants.
Click HERE to find out more about our In Practice Training options
If you are interested in any of our courses please contact the Team on 0207 205 2299 (option 1) or email training@smilewisdom.co.uk to book your place.
What is Continuous Professional Development?
Continuous professional development is often called CPD for short. Dental Nurses must complete at least 150 hours of CPD every 5 years to ensure they fulfill the terms of your GDC registration. Find out how it works, how many hours are required and what you need to do to ensure your GDC registration stays secure.
Once you have attained that ever-important GDC number, you must keep up with your CPD (continuous professional development). If you’re a trainee dental nurse you may still find these useful even if you can’t collect CPD hours yet.
FAQs about SmileWisdom CPD Courses
Are these courses suitable for trainee dental nurses?
Some courses require you to be GDC registered. Each course will tell you the individual entry requirements.
How will I learn?
Our courses are delivered live on Zoom or in person in your dental practice on a suitable date. This gives you the ability to ask questions and speak to a dental professional but also learn in the convenience of your home, office or dental practice.
Will the courses give me my CPD points?
Yes, our courses are all verified and offer CPD hours.