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Course Witness

Workplace Mentoring of a Trainee Dental Nurse

Your Interest

    NEBDN logo
    Through experience and credibility, we enhance the careers of dental nurses & practice support staff with training and resourcing, and e-CPD for all dental professionals;

    delivered with dedication and passion!

    • Be dedicated to the training and education of dental professionals
    • Be run solely by dental professionals for dental professionals with the highest possible standards of tuition
    • Provide the highest possible training and education for dental professionals in a small class environment.
    • Provide a positive learning environment

    SmileWisdom has an impressive pass rate for the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing London.

    What is a course Witness and what will they do?

    Students undertaking training towards the NEBDN’s National Diploma in Dental Nursing qualification are required to complete a work based assessment portfolio called the Electronic Record of Experience (eRoE)

    Included in the eRoE are a number of tasks based on the role of a qualified dental nurse. Students need to complete these tasks in the workplace whilst being observed by a dental professional who is registered with the GDC and who acts as a ‘Witness’.

    In order to ensure trainee dental nurses complete the workplace tasks within the eRoE to a satisfactory standard, every trainee nurse must be assigned to a Witness within the practice they are working at.

    The Witness will observe the student directly as they carry out the procedures and tasks specified within the eRoE (e.g. assisting with a dental procedure, sterilising dental equipment etc) and determine whether the procedures they have witnessed have been carried out by the student effectively and skilfully. The Witness is responsible for assessing a student’s clinical competence at the end of the task using a number of checklists.

    The Witness must provide constructive feedback and ‘sign-off’ the document provided by the student. A seven day sign-off period for completion of Witness statements and signatures must be followed.

    It is important to know that student’s success in the course does not impact their Witnesses’ GDC registration in any way, for example there are no negative consequences for the Witness in the unlikely even of a student failing their course or the NEBDN exam.

    Who can be a Witness?

    All Witnesses must meet the following requirements:

    • Have a working knowledge of the qualification the Student is studying
    • Be occupationally competent in the area of expertise – this should be credible and clearly demonstrable through continued learning and development
    • Must be registered with the GDC
    • The Witness is not required to hold an assessor qualification

    Through experience and credibility, we enhance the careers of dental nurses & practice support staff with training and resourcing, and e-CPD for all dental professionals;

    delivered with dedication and passion!

    • Be dedicated to the training and education of dental professionals
    • Be run solely by dental professionals for dental professionals with the highest possible standards of tuition
    • Provide the highest possible training and education for dental professionals in a small class environment.
    • Provide a positive learning environment

    SmileWisdom has an impressive pass rate for the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing London.

    OPTION-01: – Live online course start dates:
    Live online course. Start dates : All SmileWisdom online classes are with a qualified and experienced tutor.

    1. Monday 24 March 2025 – DNO76
      6.00pm to 8.00pm (One 2 hour class every week with Melinda Szasz)
    2. Tuesday 1 April 2025  – DNO77
      6.00pm to 8.00pm (One 2 hour class every week with Perminder Kaur)
    3. Friday 18 April 2025  – DNO78
      9.00am to 1.00pm (One 4 hour class every week with Karolina Adamska-Ziolkowska)
    4. Wednesday 7 May 2025  – DNO79
      6.00pm to 8.00pm (One 2 hour class every week with Perminder Kaur)

    NOTE: – Each class is the same day and time as the first class.

    OPTION-02: – 100% face to face:
    100% face to face – classroom based for all lectures with a qualified and experienced tutor.

    1. Thursday 24 April 2025 – DNF23
      2.00pm to 6.00pm (One 4 hour class every two weeks with Perminder Kaur)
    2. Thursday 22 May 2025 – DNF24
      9.00am to 1.00pm (One 4 hour class every two weeks with Sarah Hussey)

    NOTE: – We are based at The Royal Society Of Medicine. 1 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0AE.

    Please see our Terms & Conditions – HERE

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